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    The content in the manual will adjust to the specific
    location of your office.

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  • Choose the building you work in:


    Air conditioning in the building

    At Quattro, temperature is regulated by a system of pumps which heats or cools the building depending on the season.

    Pro tip

    During certain hours, only the Building Management System has full control over the air conditioning. At that time, temperatures cannot be changed using control panels in your office. You can adjust these hours individually by speaking to the property manager.

    Temperature control panels in office areas

    The system in Quattro’s buildings maintains a base temperature of 21°C in the winter and 24°C in the summer. You can regulate the temperature using control panels.

    The panel

    This neat device allows you to change temperatures within the range of 21°C to 26°C. Here is a short manual on how to do it.

    When the temperature in the room is higher than what you have set up, the system will start cooling. A snowflake symbol will appear on the display.

    When the temperature in the room is lower than what you have set up, the system will start heating. A sunshine symbol will appear on the display.

    If a fan symbol appears on the display, the system is just ventilating (rather than heating or cooling).

    The panel

    This neat device allows you to correct the temperature within the range of ± 2°C relative to the base temperature – which is 21°C in the heating function and 24°C in the cooling function. Here is a short manual on how to adjust the temperature.

    Contact us

    Do you wish to know more, or maybe need some help? Our team is waiting for you! Below you will find contact information about matters relating to this section.


    Technical Service Manager „Apleona FMS”
    Witold Bator
    +48 573 249 253

    Responsible for coordinating the repair of defects in the building and clarifies questions regarding technical issues in the premises of the rented premises.
    Air conditioning